R & D

Manufacturer of a wide range of Refractories Bricks, Refractory And Boiler Bed Material and Boiler Bed Sand.

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Shah ceramic has evolved as a dynamic manufacturing and leading quality supplying company. The company’s Research team has helped to maintain the reputation and product edge. Also, we have been successfully able to cater customized refractory solution for achieving higher level processes efficiently. Excellence in the field of refractory has been our biggest achievement indicator.

Shah prides innovativeness it brings in new products and process developments. Our R & D Cell managed by highly qualified, experienced and dedicated personnel. Works intensively round the-clock. With innovation in our DNA, we keep pace with the fast changing times and the dynamic needs of the different industrial sectors. Our Each products scales new operational parameters and widens the scope of its applications.

Shah has all it takes to offer customized application-oriented solution in blending, mixing and firing, so as to arrive at a suitable prototype for mass replication. To offer such expertise and technical know-how our team always adds to this edge in research and development by procuring with most advanced and superior refractory product at its laboratory.


  • Registered for “PATENT” of Novel Roller Refractory Supporting Block and “DESIGN” for the same.


  • We have Innovation in our DNA , which Proved by Winning National Award for Innovation and Various Other Innovative Products have been Developed by our R&D Activities.


  • Shah has all it takes to offer customized application oriented solution in blending. Mixing and firing.


  • We have highly qualified. Experienced and dedicated team to deliver proficient and indigenous products.


  • Most advanced and superior technology available.