Acid resistance bricks

Manufacturer of a wide range of Refractories Bricks, Refractory And Boiler Bed Material and Boiler Bed Sand.

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Acid resistance bricks

Acid Resistant Bricks or Acid bricks are specially made, chemically resistant, and thermally durable. Acid brick is created from high silica shale and fired at very high temperatures. Benefits of Acid Brick include:

Allows plastic membranes to operate in high temperature (up to 450°F) environments

Provides vessel protection from Acids, Alkalis, Oxidizers, Solvents Provides resistance to Mechanical, Physical Shock More Economical than other options such as Alloys or Glass Lined Vessels Lining can be shopped or field installed

All necessary heat transfer and stress calculations for any lining combination can be calculated We offer many different types of Acid Bricks. Please send us your specification requirement for a matching Acid Brick quotation.


  • Registered for “PATENT” of Novel Roller Refractory Supporting Block and “DESIGN” for the same.


  • We have Innovation in our DNA , which Proved by Winning National Award for Innovation and Various Other Innovative Products have been Developed by our R&D Activities.


  • Shah has all it takes to offer customized application oriented solution in blending. Mixing and firing.


  • We have highly qualified. Experienced and dedicated team to deliver proficient and indigenous products.


  • Most advanced and superior technology available.